Responsible Down

The Responsible Down Standard (RDS) is an international, voluntary standard that addresses animal welfare in the duck and geese supply chain and chain of custody of down and feather material from certified farms to the final product.

Individual sites are certified by independent third-party certification bodies using annual audits. Material is tracked from the farm to the final product using transaction certificates, following the requirements of Textile Exchange’s Content Claim Standard (CCS). For more information or to apply for certification, please visit:

The goals of the Responsible Down Standard are to:
• Ensure that down and feathers do not come from supply chains where animals have been subjected to any unnecessary harm.
• Reward and influence the down and feather industry to incentivize practices that respect the humane treatment of ducks and geese.
• Education and development of the supply chain in order to drive continuous improvement of best practices.
• Provide companies with a tool to know what is in their products, and to make accurate claims.
• Ensure strong chain of custody for certified materials as they move through the supply chain.